Find contact information for Temu NZ
If you need to contact Temu NZ for assistance or to resolve a problem, you can obtain their contact information in the following ways.
Temu NZ’s contact number
To contact Temu NZ, you can call their contact number: **+ 64 9 820 5730 **. Please note that this is a New Zealand phone number, so you will need to use an international call.
Temu NZ email address
In addition to the phone, you can also get in touch with Temu NZ by email. Their email address is: ** **. Please describe your problem or need in detail in the email so that they can better assist you.
Temu NZ’s online support page
In addition, Temu NZ offers an online support page where you can find more information about its products and services. You can view the page by visiting the following link: ** **.
I hope the above information is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.